kasahorow Gusii

Momura Ominto ::: Sister

kasahorow Sua, date(2015-7-13)-date(2023-11-26)

Gusii ::: English
momura ominto ::: sister, nom.1 ::: nom.1
/momura ominto/ ::: /-si-s-t-e-r-r/
Gusii ::: English
/ a' jege ko momura ominto ::: I have a sister
/// ntoe jege ko momura ominto ::: we have a sister
/ n' jege ko momura ominto ::: you have a sister
/// noe jege ko momura ominto ::: you have a sister
/ kaane jege ko momura ominto ::: she has a sister
/ baaro jege ko momura ominto ::: he has a sister
/// βaraβuo jege ko momura ominto ::: they have a sister

Gusii Omochi Butarebia Diga ::: English Family Dictionary

#momura ominto #a' #jege ko #ntoe #n' #noe #kaane #baaro #βaraβuo #omochi #butarebia diga
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